I listed 2 Cricut cartridges on Craigslist, never having luck on this site! Late Saturday night, I received an email inquiry on one of them, asking me to meet her 1/2 way between Leonard and Rochester. I told her that I'd be happy to meet her downtown, gets me out of the house and near retail shopping!! We decided to meet on Sunday afternoon. Being the POLITE person I am, I decided to ask Aaron and the kids to join me, secretly crossing my fingers that they would decline. I also wanted to hit Rochester Village Mall. It's never a good idea to take THREE kids with you, as I have learned in the past. To my surprise, Aaron said YES!! We met SHARI in the parking lot of the RAC (Rochester Athletic Center) parking lot. She was super nice and about my age. I told Aaron that is someone I would be friends with!! Anyway, we went to Rochester Village Mall. I went to ATL (Ann Taylor Loft), my one and only store I can shop at. I had $20 bonus cash, $15 birthday card money from ATL, 20% off coupon and two HUGE giftcards to spend. I usually buy on sale, unless I absolutely LOVE it and can't live without it. Sunday, I found THREE things I could NOT live without, so I paid full TAG price, but it didn't cost ME personally. I got the BOYFRIEND JEANS, never appealed to me in the past, but had a change of heart when I saw them again. They didn't have my size, disappointed, until one of the employees told me she bought the size 4 the day before, but they did NOT fit her - YIPPPEEE...that's the pair I needed! In the meantime, Catie was FREAKING out on Aaron because she was starving to death....I did NOT get to go to Victorias Secret for a MUCH need new bra or Children's Place, just because I love to look there too! I was totall satisfied with my ATL purchase, I didn't mind missing the other stores I intended to HIT while I was supposed to be ALONE!! On the way home, we stopped at URBAN DOG, a dog store in the newer plaza at the corner of Teinken & Rochester Rd....We bought 3 gourmet treats for Dottie - pink bones, like chocolate for dogs...They are made out of things that can be consumed by humans. Sam was holding the bag on the way home. He opened it and started EATING the bones...I tried one, it was OK but I wouldn't have eaten more than a NIBBLE! Sam was memerized by TOY STORY (playing on the DVD player) and ate 2 of the bones (I had the 3rd on in my coat pocket - keeping it safe). I asked Sam, "What are we going to give Dottie now?" He said, "NUFFIN"....