The weather people were predicting a HUGE snow storm the night of 2/23/12. It definitely was not as GRAND as they predicted but it was certainly enough to cancel school. The kids were so happy! We haven't had much snow this winter. This snow was perfect for snowman and fort building. I got the idea when I saw two empty shoe boxes in the garage. They ended up getting too wet and fell apart. We used Sam's toy storage bins. After two hours of packing and moving heavy, damp snow, this is what we made! We came inside to dry off, have hot chocolate (with marshmellows!) and eat lunch. Not an hour later, the fort crumbled! What was perfect about this day, we all worked together SO nicely! Everyone treated each other so kind (I am referring to Catie and Max). There was not one moment of unpleasantness. I truly cherrished the few hours we all played together!